The Gap in Computer Science


A dangerous gap in computer science turns natural life upside down and inside out on the way to overruling society as an Orwellian digital dictatorship. But is it too late to fix the problem?

I. Introduction

- Overview of the impact of computer science on society

- The power of software and its effects on individuals, organizations, and governments

- The importance of updating binary computers to protect Democracy

II. Cybersecurity Issues

- The threat of malware and cyber attacks

- The root problem of the binary computer command set

- The failure of computer security due to hidden malware and dictatorial inequality

III. Bias Against Democracy

- The unfair bias in binary computers

- The centralization of control favours dictators and criminals

- The need for change to avoid an Orwellian digital dictatorship

IV. Flaws in Proprietary Computers

- The issue of hidden malware and undetected digital corruption

- The lack of understanding and transparency in opaque proprietary choices

- The undermining of democratic nations and the need for digital security

V. Democratizing Computer Science

- The importance of flawless, transparent computer science

- The need to ban incomprehensible proprietary computers

- The urgency of democratizing computer science for easy appreciation and clear understanding

VI. Actions

- The specific machinery to ensure flawless, transparent computer science

- How to replace binary computers to stabilize cyber society

- The steps to democratize computer science for democratic understanding

VII. Conclusion

- The importance of flawless mathematics and logic to ensure the fairness of cyber society

- The urgent need for change to guarantee a shared future on Earth

I. Introduction

Computer science is turning natural life upside down and inside out. A digital envelope encapsulating humanity abstracts every source of power into networked software. The programs are designed by others, including enemies, criminals, and foreigners, aided by AI (aka Artificial Intelligence). Software's invisible powers can automate or destroy life. Individuals, small and large organizations, and governments are forced to change and change again. Instability will remain until branded binary computers, shipped by industrial dictators like Intel, are stabilized by the laws of mathematics and logic.

In cybersociety, the powers of programs for both good and evil are unstoppable, but undetected outside interference makes stability impossible. Harmful programs are a form of terrorism when the cockpit of the computer is invaded. Deliberate harm is a digital 9/11 attack with the power to bring down the infrastructure of cyber society with terrible consequences. Enemies use malware to deliberately corrupt, confuse, complicate, and destroy the peaceful and happy lives of users, institutions, and nations. Worse, dictatorial controls increase as the industry attempts but fail to crush cybercrimes.

The root of the problem is the binary computer command set. Power is manipulated because the commands are logically unchecked. The crude hardware commands share a central memory. Memory is riddled with undetected malware, while programs hide digital crimes. The extreme case is Ransomware. This attack overthrows the central operating system. A digital dictator running as a privileged superuser attempting to keep the computations on track.

II. Cybersecurity Issues

Overthrowing a dictator is, as witnessed throughout the history of civilization, the worst of all worlds. Self-serving criminals and megalomaniacs come to and hold on to power. Malware and Ransomware are part of an industrial KGB in cyberspace. The failure of computer security is due to secret malware and dictatorial inequalities. The mainframe survived using shift work restarts, batch processing, locked rooms, and private networks. But the world has changed with the microprocessor, personal computing, and the Internet. Today, binary computers are frozen by Ransomware and disrupted by malware. Enemy spies steal and disrupt life under the umbrella of cyberspace.

III. Bias Against Democracy

Worse, every binary computer is biased against democracy. The more automation by software, the more centralized control exists. Dictators win over democratic law, order, and equality. The centralized binary computer is unfair and accidentally biased to favour dictators and criminals.

The binary computer is a stretched Turing Machine. Rushed forward to capture markets before digital security was appreciated. The binary computer lacks any understanding of the software. A central operating system needs to map physical machine commands into logical requests. This favours digital dictators and inherited privileges; consequently, an Orwellian endgame is unavoidable. This is unacceptable, and it must be changed.

IV. Flaws in Proprietary Computers

Computers cannot be trusted because the digital envelope is flawed. Plagued by hidden malware and peppered with undetected digital corruption, it is impossible to fully understand or use democratically. At the lowest level, proprietary digital solutions and branded operating systems fight for dictatorial supremacy using opaque and complex alternatives to pure science. Even experts need help understanding other suppliers' solutions.

V. Democratizing Computer Science

As the ultimate harbinger of future society, binary computers are unfaithful. They are not scientific. If they were, necessarily, they would be flawless, faithful to the perfect science of mathematics and logic.

Computer science, like mathematics and logic, should serve society as obedient servants, not dictatorial masters surrounded by criminal henchmen. The unintended consequence of proprietary computers fosters the collapse of democracy in society. The synthetic layer is digitally flawed; every brand is vulnerable to corruption and undetectable damage. All too easily corrupted by friends and enemies, they cannot be allowed to function as the global platform of the future. In every meaningful way, they undermine the democratic nations of the world. As the international platform of co-existence, warring nations warp proprietary binary computers to their own selfish interests, causing endless harm to global society until nothing can be trusted.

A democratic society depends on mutual trust, and natural science is the anchor. But relentless digital attacks undermine every standard of civilization. Before they ruin the world, individuals in democratic nations must be digitally secure. Computer science must be democratized scientifically for all to appreciate and understand. Incomprehensible proprietary computers must be banned. Only flawless, transparent computer science can guarantee our shared future on Earth.

Furthermore, when implemented functionally (instead of digitally), flawless mathematics and logic are, by definition and global practice, fair and democratic to all. It is urgent. Binary computers make the digital envelope flawed. It is failing humanity. Only flawless science prevents the bad guys from winning, and only the highest engineering standards can serve society forever.

VI. Actions

The binary computer is an incomplete, one-sided version of computer science. As defined in 1936 by the Church-Turing Thesis, on one side is Alonzo Church's logical, symbolic computational model of Lambda-Calculus, while on the other is Alan Turing's physical model of imperative machine instructions assembled as a linear, sequential program. After World War II, John von Neumann built the Maniac. He excluded Alonzo Church's mechanisms for flawless mathematical logic, and the rest of the world followed suit.

With the symbolic binding of Lambda-Calculus, vital data privacy and perfect functionality are preserved. Instead, unrelated programs share critical data in a central memory unit. Malware has direct access to spy, steal, and damage digital images. A dangerous proprietary concoction adequate for stand-alone mainframes took off. They only worked in locked rooms for the simplified mono-functionality of batch-processing shift work through the 1960s.

Only the centralized operating system stands between success and failure. However, operating systems are so unscientifically complex that they must be patched up repeatedly. When microprocessors began the PC revolution, networked hacking led to malware. When the Internet browser exploded, remote access exposed undetectable hacks and consequential criminal opportunities. Still, the advantages outweighed the risks until superhuman AI software automated global corruption and accelerated the successful attack rate, driving surprise attacks to a superhuman complexity level.

The problem is a vulnerability gap between machine code mistakes made by the binary computer and, later on, error detection. Some errors are never detected automatically or can only be detected by a human user; others are found as inconsistencies in an application. Some are found by asynchronous monitors or the operating system. Unfortunately, none are found by the binary instruction because they are imperative commands. Only hardware errors can be found by a binary computer. It is the nature of the binary computer.

Software errors cannot be discovered by the imperative machine commands of a binary computer. All such errors must be found in advance by a language compiler or later when the system crashes during testing. Neither approach is adequate for the future of civilized society, and neither approach deals with outside interference injected by criminals and enemies as malware deliberately designed to evade detection.

There is only one way to deal with this dilemma. The gap in computer science that fails to detect logical and physical errors must be reduced to zero by comprehensive on-the-spot checks. Central operating systems, privileged hardware mechanisms, compiled virtual machines, virtual memory, and software monitors only expand the vulnerability gap. As a result, foreign enemies, criminal gangs, governments, and unelected self-interests exploit the unguarded breach between execution time and error detection time. If the gap remains, or worse, expands, errors cannot be detected, and the bad guys succeed at the expense of society.

The only way to close the gap in binary cyberspace to zero is the scientific way and use functional machine instructions that align with the Church-Turing Thesis. Functional instructions do not use imperative physical addressing outlined by Alan Turing and adopted by the Maniac. Instead, symbolic names identify logical targets in a namespace. The namespace defines the functional components of a programmed application. Each functional machine instruction can be engineered to be fail-safe by detecting physical and logical errors on the spot before any mistake.

Despite significant technological progress, industry and government must demonstrate their intent to shrink the error detection gap and solve the problem. Crime is the curse of the binary computer, invented in the hurry to be first by John von Neumann in 1946. It only worked for stand-alone mainframes, locked in rooms without public network connections. Used in the global Internet, the gap is a resident flaw exploited by networked criminals and enemies.

There is no gap between physical execution time and logical error detection time in a Church-Turing machine because Alonzo Church's Lambda Calculus binds the physical conditions of the atomic Turing Machine as the engine to each logical symbol of any scientific expression. At the execution point, physical and logical conditions are checked before the instruction is completed, preventing mistakes.

Thus, there is no gap when an atomic Turing Machine, the most straightforward binary computer, is the computational engine of a symbolic scientific statement. Suppose every machine instruction obeys the Lambda calculus (aka λ-calculus). In that case, the formal system of mathematics and logic applies to express each computation as a function abstraction (an Object-Oriented Program). The identified symbols have unique names. The application computes known variables dynamically bound to the atomic computer using variable substitution. It is a universal model of computation that exploits the Turing machine as a binary computer without any unregulated sharing.

The fatal gap completely disappears when the universal model of computation replaces all the unscientific baggage of the mainframe age, starting with the dictatorial, centralized operating system. It is the harbinger of Orwellian society. Instead, operating system functions must exist independently as individual function abstractions. Then, even critical functions execute only when needed, limited by the access rights of individual computational threads. Power is distributed relatively to private threads. The superuser is avoided, and undetected crimes, enemy interference from simple malware to the manipulation of domestic affairs, and the growth of industrial monopolies are all resolved by the universal democratic fairness of mathematical science. This is the way self-obsessed digital calamities are avoided.

Individuals, organizations, and nations are secured by the scientific equality of actual computer science, implemented as individually secure function abstractions isolated in private execution threads. Nothing is exposed because logic and physics are united at the execution point. The compiled software's unscientific, uncalibrated failure rate is decomposed into calibrated, well-tested digital objects that are functional servants to their users.

While binary computers work against society, they undermine the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The computer industry leaders make every critical decision. They create digital dictatorships, enforced by unfair hardware privileges invented for virtual memory and other unscientific paraphernalia for the centralized operating system and its subordinate followers. Individual freedom is decapitated in cyberspace, liberty is constrained, criminals win, democracy is fragmented, and the unelected digital dictators become irresistible global monopolies.

The world cannot progress imprisoned by these unelected dictators wasting time defending one-sided computer science. But flawless science defines a globally fair solution. Although the Church-Turing Thesis preceded von Neumann's Maniac by a decade, it was the path not taken. Instead, the path chosen led to global insecurity. For example, Christopher Ray, head of the FBI, told Congress in January 2023 that the actions of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) are the defining threat of our generation and that the risk posed by cyberattacks requires immediate resolution. He continued that the People's Republic of China and the PRC target critical infrastructure in the United States, from water treatment plants, electrical grids, and oil and gas pipelines to government and transportation systems.

Malware is hidden in advance to cause the maximum physical and logical harm to citizens, communities, and industry through wholesale theft and coordinated economic attacks. The weakness of data privacy at the machine level of the binary computer allows China and others to steal American innovations, plus valuable personal and irreplaceable corporate data. Their cyber onslaught is not limited to pre-positioning malware hidden in resident software ready for future conflict; they and the rest of the world actively attack the U.S. economy as a whole-of-government campaign.

Enemies reach inside U.S. borders to silence, coerce, and threaten citizens and residents. Like it or not, war is raging in cyberspace, not just with China but even with friends looking for some unfair competitive advantage. It is happening worldwide, while the only response that preserves a nation's hard-won free society was demonstrated decades ago and could have been adopted by the microprocessor industry. The natural ability of the Church-Turing Thesis was implemented to solve the problems of networked computer science in the telecommunication industry.

It is time to reflect on the cause of liberty. In 1776, the Irish statesman and philosopher Edmund Burke wrote "When Good Men Do Nothing," which comes from "Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents." Published in 1770 as the American Revolution fermented, he wrote: "When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle." Burke encouraged individuals to fight and win the Revolutionary War for American independence. They battled the far superior imperial forces of Great Britain, creating a new form of liberty, the American Experiment.

To preserve their victory, they approved a written U.S. Constitution. They documented Citizens' rights - these cornerstones of the Republic guaranteed Americans freedom, equality, and justice for over 200 years until computer science undermined the law of the land. The rules of cyberspace are inhuman, defined by software programmed by self-interested industry dictators. Furthermore, the synthetic digital envelope is corrupt. Coordinated malware attacks circle the globe, searching for soft targets and creating threats the Founding Fathers never considered. Totalitarian digital power is an unconditional threat to every living and unborn citizen.

The American Experiment as a democratic Republic cannot be guaranteed when law and order are usurped. Cyberspace must support democracy, not dictators. Malware and dictatorial operating systems created by self-interested suppliers lead to criminal gangs, foreign spies, destructive interference, program bugs, infrastructure collapse, and government dictatorship.

Scientific neutrality and complete transparency are vital for the digital Republic to survive. Once scientific transparency replaces today's opaque, dangerous, outdated binary computers, hidden manipulative software, unseen crimes, undetected corruption, and flawed binary hardware end. Pure mathematical and logical computer science heralds civilized cyberspace for an endless future.

Another Constitutional Amendment adds rights requiring computer suppliers to enforce the functional mechanics of mathematics and logic. It means following both sides of the Church-Turing Thesis. It is the same symbolic lesson of 
(A + B) = C

It is taught to children when they learn to count and as adults to learn and resolve the complexity symbols of science, from the value of π to complex expressions like the binomial theorem, including trigonometry and algebraic functions to solve complex expressions like 

(A2 +B2) = C2

Mathematics and logic are symbolic, object-oriented, functional, transparent, and flawless. Computer science that follows the Church-Turing Thesis is the same.

The synthetic layer is endless universal cyberspace. It automates the world and includes superhuman software decisions at the speed of light. Until computer science is embedded, remote threats will grow endlessly in the unbalanced, outdated binary computer sustained by the followers of John von Neumann, like the Maniac7. Using shared, physically addressed memory, successful attacks destroy functionality, destroying critical infrastructure and vital services worldwide.

Actual computer science is always functional, following the science of Alonzo Church's λ-calculus, enveloping the dangerously overstretched digital machinery of Jon von Neumann. The unstretched Turing machine is an atomic computer for one symbolic function at a time. Using the same simple rules taught to children. As they learn to count, individual fail-safe scientific steps detect errors on the spot before mistakes are made.

Automatically preventing malware and crime corrects the dictatorial bias of computer science democratically. It is essential because malware is a critical programmable medium now run by superhuman AI analysis using large language models developed by enemies. It is untenable unless computer hardware protects every citizen scientifically, detecting digital crimes they cannot see and stopping malware before it runs.

Fail-safe, functional digital machinery replaces blindly trusted imperative commands and centralized power is neutralized by the uniform equality of natural mathematics and logic. The Church-Turing Thesis achieves both goals by distributing power incrementally as scientific functions. The central control of the operating system is decomposed as incremental functions in individual programs. When each step is a function performed as a fail-safe machine instruction, it is checked by hardware for functional errors as it executes, locking out hidden malware and repelling attacks when they occur.

Discarding imperative commands that are blindly trusted and removing the centralized operating systems stops undetected crime and dictatorial evolution. Functional instructions are symbolic, targeted, and thus fail-safe. At the same time, Turing's imperative commands intersect with shared, physical memory space that right or wrong is unquestioningly followed. But blind trust in global cyberspace is reckless. Honest disagreements are resolved by science, but hatred, envy, poverty, and ignorance lead to everlasting conflict, resulting in international cyberwar and Orwellian dictatorship through the synthetic envelope of global cyberspace.

Centralized power is unavoidably corrupt. It allows the malware to hide and dictators to rule cyberspace. Nature's laws of mathematics and logic following the Church-Turing Thesis, established in 1936, articulate the relationship between ideas and reality through symbolic addressing. These laws solve the problems of human equality, individual freedom, and natural justice across cyberspace, creating sustainable democratic nations within shared global cyberspace.

Edmund Burke knew individuals must speak against injustice, oppression, and wrongdoing because citizens are the engine of society. Remaining silent and indifferent means harm worsens, leading to discontent and totalitarian dictatorship. Burke's words encouraged patriots to risk everything and fight for individual rights, precisely when it is dangerous or challenging and against accepted norms. He emphasized the responsibility of each citizen to contribute positively to society and not let immoral, corrupt, or harmful governments survive.

It remains true today and forever. Individuality sustains democracy as the fairest, long-term organization for civilization to progress, for nations to thrive, and for individuals to prosper. Today, it means thriving as a democratic cybersociety, and this is where we are losing out.

The binary computers designed decades ago fell well short of actual computer science. Undetected malware defies science. While malware thrives, science and individuals suffer. Inequality, injustice, and imprisonment define life in cyberspace. Citizens are unhappy because they have lost control, driven to despair by industrial dictatorship, implemented by branded operating systems designed and operated in their self-interest to enslave cybersociety as a global business. As computer science speeds progress, digital dictatorship grows, and citizens lose control of democracy. It is not what the Founding Fathers intended; it was inconceivable then, but networked computers running superhuman software confounds humanity.

Binary computers squeeze humanity into a world of digital dreams, a realm of fantasies like Alice's dreams in Lewis Carol's children's stories8. A virtual world of programmed actors, mad Hatters, and Red Queens thriving on error-prone binary computers running statically compiled, dangerously dysfunctional binary images. Chaotic, centralized, and incapable of concentration without a privileged superuser in charge of events. The operating system is the enslaver of all computations. This binary architecture is logically opaque, allowing bugs and malware to hide in dysfunctional programs. Undetected crimes thrive, easily disguised in critical programs. Unfair hardware privileges inherited by the central operating system orchestrate all programs, substituting for the absence of Alonzo Church's logical symbolic addressing as a machine.

Symbolic addressing is the essence of mathematics and logic—a fundamental computer science requirement. The binary computer lacks this essential mechanism. It is vulnerable to unrecognized errors and malware interference. It is unreliable because, as a machine, it has no implicit functionality. It is no more than an unfinished jigsaw puzzle endlessly extended by expanding networked cyberspace. Many extensions have only one objective. They spy, steal, attack, and harm specific targets in or connected to cyberspace.

Unlike other machines used for computation, operational functionality is missing in a binary computer as a functional machine. Consider the first wooden arithmetic abacus, the multiplication and division slide rule, and more. The mechanical designs prevent errors, improve useability and ensure correct functionality. Consequently, in the global network, programs are unprotected and easily overwhelmed by malware. The superuser focused on time-sharing, virtual memory management, supervising communications, and isolating malware fails to see the steps that cause corruption. The operating system is a software dictator enforcing bureaucratic rules through indentured service, enslaved to the industrial master. Inherited, unearned, unelected, and unjust powers grow worse as totalitarian digital superstates dominate as Orwellian life evolves. These opaque, unelected digital superstates intimately control life. The situation is growing far worse than in the 1770s9 as the industrial leaders of cyberspace autocratically bail out the centralized operating system by preventing the digital freedom needed to catch complex user mistakes.

Totalitarianism in cyberspace has terrible, existential consequences for the American Experiment10. The forward progress of the Republic is a never-ending fight for democracy. Equality, justice, and freedom are not free. The battles fought, and the blood lost by our fathers and their fathers recur for every generation of sons. Repeatedly through war and peace. With the ascendance of computers as the foundation of society, the fight is the same. Only, the conflict morphed beyond America into and throughout the globe. A few large companies run cyberspace, and thus cybersociety. They are fully responsible for the flawed working of corruption by digital technology. Unsurprisingly, nations are collapsing into warring clans, gangs, and dictatorships as individual citizens lose control of society.

Unlike the 1770s, this is a technology-driven world. Today, citizens are mere mortals, ignorant of critical details that drive and limit both progress and corruption in computer science. Citizens depend on experts; when experts fail to do their job correctly and no one speaks out, everyone suffers without salvation. It is another contemptible struggle, worse than any other, because Cybercrimes are invisible, unlike the crash of a technology-driven aircraft or EV transportation, potentially impacting all at once. The collapse of the global financial system would be devastating, but one day it will take place. Society must act and prevent computer science from destroying democracy by following the science expressed by the Church-Turing Thesis by using symbolic, fail-safe machine instructions.

Achieving happiness without honest expert help is beyond everyone's ability, and dangerous binary digital computers in a global network called cyberspace create the ultimate problem. Post WWII, binary computer science evolved into a Weapon of Mass Destruction. As computers automate everything, complexity grows ever opaque. In contrast, civilization depends on transparency to sustain the laws of the Republic. The unscientific rules of the dangerous binary computer and the opaque superusers as masters of cyberspace enable undetected malware: invisible, undetected crimes and cyberwar rages, confusing and confounding democratic society. Power cannot originate from unelected industry leaders as self-promoted experts.

Immediately after WWII, led by John von Neumann11, the computer industry took a digitally dangerous shortcut that broke science in two and allowed undetected interference by malware to pervade cyberspace. Locked in rooms and guarded against unwanted logical interference, the binary computer uses physical addressing that grew from byte size errors to global failures by avoiding the digital mechanics of symbolic addressing. However, this translation step is fundamental to mathematical science. It is taught as (a + b = c) to the youngest children as they learn to count.

The mainframe industry follows von Neumann's unscientific simplification. Binary computers discard symbolic instructions demanded by Alonzo Church as the λ-calculus12 in 1936 as his student Alan Turing defined the physical engine of his tutor Alonzo's logical vision. Alan's binary computer, called today the Turing Machine13, was atomic, the encapsulated engine of a logical operation, expressed symbolically by the λ-calculus.

By stretching Turing's paper design, shared physical addressing cannot see logic as uniquely named scientific functions. Scientific expressions always use named symbols, as children learn at school. Imperative binary commands use sizable, physical memory address locations, unavoidably allowing undetected errors when accessing shared virtual memory. Turing's paper design from 1936 became the shared, failure-prone, binary computer, soon further extended by pages of virtual memory, centralized time-sharing, and a privileged but half-blind superuser operating system.

This unscientific human concoction is complex and opaque, dangerous in a networked context. Human errors resurface as malware. Unchecked calculations and deliberate interference, once again, hidden corruption, are dilemmas. Computer computations could and should be flawless. Machines built by Babbage two centuries ago achieved this goal. They enabled his acolyte, Ada Lovelace, to see far into the future. Arithmetic errors were resolved flawlessly by the mechanics of the abacus in ancient Babylon. The slide rule correctly resolves any mathematical function. Ultimately, in the 1800s, Charles Babbage proved, in advance of Church and Turing, the functional design for flawless programmed automation. Indeed, flawless functions are the essence of scientific education and computer science. Functional machines are incorruptible, unlike a half-baked binary shortcut invented by the ego of von Neumann and corruptly sustained as state-of-the-art binary computers by his current followers and their industrial masters.

The binary concoction is not a machine; it does not follow Babbage's success, nor the Church-Turing Thesis, because essential deep-seated, fail-safe functionality is missing, replaced by the confusion of an unassembled jigsaw puzzle of incompatible machine instructions. These imperative commands are like items in unsolved puzzles where one assembly mistake destroys the big picture. As software complexity grows, only the mathematical simplicity of flawless functionality can save humanity from a disastrous downfall, a global version of a Boeing 737 MAX falling from the sky. How did we get into such a mess, and how can we get out?

In the days when digital computers stood alone, they were locked in glass rooms and purged from corruption by trusted staff running the logic to interlock the assembly physically as virtual machines around a centralized operating system. The rooms and staff evaporated with the microprocessor, but the binary architecture and the central operating system remained. The missing logic performed by the IT staff allows the malware to hide in the digital cracks and gaps within and between incompatible compilations. The imperative machine code lacks the deep-seated functionality required by science and enforced by logic and mathematics as taught at school. The malware hides, and crime and criminals prosper because binary computers lack deep-seated functionality. Digitally, binary computers are scientifically flawed, bewildered by the lack of recognizable atomic structure.

Imperative commands only work with static physical compilations, but the individual machine commands are insecure. In the beginning, Alan Turing showed it was not a problem for atomic computations performing one function at a time. After WWII, binary computers stood alone throughout the mainframe age. At the same time, IBM ruled computer science and refined the design of mainframes using virtual machines and privileged operating systems. But networked computers are different, requiring the deep-seated logic of Alonzo Church's λ-calculus. Children learn at school that preventing mistakes and outside interference requires fail-safe functionality at every step in a calculation. Imperative commands lack this ability. They are dangerous because they lack the integrity of functional instructions. Functional commands compute object-oriented symbols. Object-oriented symbols are functionally secure and fail-safe. Imperative commands are blind to logical mistakes. Logical symbols over physical addressing make all the difference. Imperative commands hide mistakes and mindlessly step into one catastrophe after another. They foster and hide undetected malware, hidden criminals, and unacceptable crimes of global significance.

Thus, cyberspace becomes a weapon of mass destruction ruled by centralized authority as dictatorships. The endgame is a government dictatorship unavoidably engineered through cyberspace. Orwellian dictatorship is far worse than in 1776. Freedom and constitutional democracy are displaced. It is the devastating consequence of universal binary computers that lack deep-seated hardware functionality. The Babbage conundrum has resurfaced. Naive, first-generation binary computers are flawed, depending on a privileged but blindly trusted operating system to follow the science. In a competitive, conflicted world, blind trust is a recipe for disaster.

Dictators crush democracy, and the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with first-generation binary computers and a frozen binary architecture from the 1960s is an existential predicament. Binary computers, designed after WWII as IBM's 360 series and MIT's Multics, strand humanity with the unanswered operational threat of undetected malware and superhuman software run as digital dictatorships. Global networking, international competition, enemy attacks, and criminal theft accelerate the unavoidable endgame towards a global cyber dictatorship.

Over the past five decades, code hacks began as networking shortcuts, software patches, and surprising gimmicks morphed into industrial-scale malware for global gangs, criminal hackers, hacktivists, enemy spies, and central governments as superhuman digital weapons in international cyber conflicts. Malware crushes individuality, freedom of action, law, and business because each nation is constantly at war in cyberspace. The effort spent on self-defence grows to overwhelm industrial progress, and the opaque nature of the mainframe architecture prevents fail-safe solutions. The binary computer created and fostered unacceptable constraints that slow progress while crushing individuals, freedom, and democracy. The effort spent to detect corruption slows progress and still fails to prevent malware. The dilemma is because scientific flaws exist in imperative machine code's one-sided, dysfunctional physical architecture. The incremental growth of digital dictatorship is Orwellian yet as crazy as Alice's Nightmares, invented by Lewis Carol.

Not for the first time in the history of computer science, discarding decades of hard work is disappointing. Still, once again, it is the right choice for the good of society. When, in 1615, Henry Briggs explained to John Napier that he should pitch twenty years of hard work on logarithms and use the base number ten, it was not easy, but Napier agreed. Why? Society gained by democratizing logic for the public at large.

VII. Conclusion 

As technology advances, computer science continues to have a profound impact on society. The power of software and its effects on individuals, organizations, and governments cannot be overstated. However, with such power comes great responsibility, especially in two respects. First stabilizing computers to prevent malware, and second to remove the bias towards digital dictatorship.

The threat of malware and cyber attacks is ever-present, and the root problem is the binary computer command set. The failure of computer security is due to hidden malware and dictatorial inequality. They are both resolved at once by the Church-Turing Thesis which guarantees a safe and secure digital environment.

Another issue is bias against democracy. The centralized control of binary computers favors dictators and criminals. The centralization of control results in a lack of transparency. It is imperative that cybersociety avoids an Orwellian endgame by promoting fairness and equality.

The flaws in proprietary computers, allow hidden malware and undetected digital corruption and the lack of understanding and transparency undermines democracy. Thus it is crucial to prioritize digital security and promote transparency.

To democratize computer science, requires flawless and transparent computer science. It starts by banning opaque proprietary computers to ensure computers are understandable for all. The secific changes to ensure flawless, transparent computer functionality, and stabilizing computations follow the Lambda-Calculus. Flawed commands must become fail-safe functions. This is the crucial step.

To reiterate, flawless mathematics and logic are essential to ensure fairness and democracy in the digital age. It is urgent that we make the necessary changes to guarantee a shared future on Earth, including prioritizing digital security and promoting transparency in computer science. In addition AI-powered dictatorship will usurps democratic civilization. Discarding half a century of work on binary computers is challenging but essential. Everyone gains once an AI-enabled society is scientifically guaranteed. Only then are individual citizens free to shape democracy, safe, just, and equal for all without the curse of undetected malware attacks, international cyber wars, and an Orwellian result.

OpenAI. (2024). ChatGPT (3.5) [Large language model]. 
