
BBC News: The tactics of a Russian troll farm

The money in malware!

How a Tiny Startup Became the Most Important Hacking Shop You've Never Heard Of

Fwd: test

Fwd: [New post] Is Blockchain right for your business?

Researchers find new flaw in Oracle

AMD will Spectre-proof the Zen 2 architecture, and 4 other nuggets from its earnings call

Intel's Never-Ending Spectre Saga Continues to be a Hot Mess

The Coincheck hack and the issue with crypto assets on centralized exchanges

ATM makers warn of 'jackpotting' hacks on US machines

Russia could cause ‘thousands and thousands’ of deaths through energy grid attack | E&T Magazine

Chrome attack

Meltdown echoes

Blokchain attack

Re: App SIP App shared by Ken Hh

Intel chip security fix could permanently slow down PCs by up to 30 per cent | E&T Magazine