
How phishing attacks are exploiting Google's own tools and services

IoT Cybersecurity Improvement Act Passed, Heads to President's Desk

Hard to believe but Congress just approved an IoT security law and it doesn't totally suck

Inc.: After Testing Positive (and Negative) for Covid, Elon Musk Contacted a Harvard Doctor. His Response Is a Master Class in Emotional Intelligence

BBC News: Boeing's 737 Max cleared to fly in the US after crashes

The Register: Try to avoid thinking of the internet as a flashy new battlefield, warns former NCSC chief

The Washington Post: Swiss report reveals new details on CIA spying operation

ZDNet: American Airlines is quietly bringing back the 737 Max. Here's why that's disturbing

TechRadar: This could be the most expensive data breach ever

Sophie Wilson: ARM And How Making Things Simpler Made Them Faster & More Efficient | Hackaday

Hackaday: Raspberry PI 4 Now Supported By Risc OS In Latest Update

The Washington Post: NASA’s new rocket would be the most powerful ever. But it’s the software that has some officials worried.

Naked Security: Buer Loader “malware-as-a-service” joins Emotet for ransomware delivery

The Guardian view on trustbusting Google: change is needed | Editorial | Opinion | The Guardian

TechRepublic: The 5 biggest cybersecurity threats for the healthcare industry

TechRadar: The world of malware has a new rising star - and that's a big problem

The Hill: The US must not lose the cyberwar with Russia | TheHill

Forbes: Why Cyber Security Is Still So Complex