
Civilizing Cyberspace

CNBC: Boeing's 737 Max troubles deepen, taking airlines, suppliers with it

TechCrunch: NordVPN confirms it was hacked

Fox News: Hackers are draining ATMs across the US

ZDNet: Building China's Comac C919 airplane involved a lot of hacking, report says

65% of stressed-out cybersecurity, IT workers think about quitting

ZDNet: Ransomware: Prepare for hackers launching even more destructive malware attacks

Ars Technica: Attackers exploit an iTunes zeroday to install ransomware

CNBC: We're all at risk when 65% of stressed-out cybersecurity and IT workers are thinking about quitting, tech exec warns

Mathematical Abstraction

An Anthem for Computer Science

The Next Web: US hospitals opt for paying hackers to survive Ryuk ransomware attack

Forbes: The Anatomy Of A Sophisticated, Large-Scale Ransomware Attack