
The Washington Post: Swiss report reveals new details on CIA spying operation

ZDNet: American Airlines is quietly bringing back the 737 Max. Here's why that's disturbing

TechRadar: This could be the most expensive data breach ever

Sophie Wilson: ARM And How Making Things Simpler Made Them Faster & More Efficient | Hackaday

Hackaday: Raspberry PI 4 Now Supported By Risc OS In Latest Update

The Washington Post: NASA’s new rocket would be the most powerful ever. But it’s the software that has some officials worried.

Naked Security: Buer Loader “malware-as-a-service” joins Emotet for ransomware delivery

The Guardian view on trustbusting Google: change is needed | Editorial | Opinion | The Guardian

TechRepublic: The 5 biggest cybersecurity threats for the healthcare industry

TechRadar: The world of malware has a new rising star - and that's a big problem

The Hill: The US must not lose the cyberwar with Russia | TheHill

Forbes: Why Cyber Security Is Still So Complex

WIRED: How 30 Lines of Code Blew Up a 27-Ton Generator