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From: "'Kevin Reid' via Google Caja Discuss" <>
Date: August 13, 2014 at 13:17:43 EDT
To: Google Caja Discuss <>
Subject: Re: [Caja] Rich-text editors compatible with Caja
--On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 5:04 PM, Andrew Stillman <> wrote:
Before I lose faith, can anyone comment on whether there a known or documented compatible rich text editor for Caja?Unfortunately, most rich text editor components depend on the "contenteditable" browser feature, which is difficult if not impossible to support in a way which meets Caja's security requirements. You would have to use an editor which does not make use of contenteditable (perhaps, as MarkM suggested in another message, a markup editor with preview).For the technically interested, the problem, as I understand it, is that contenteditable allows arbitrary HTML to be pasted into the document; that HTML can then attack the host page even if it was pasted into the guest. This does not mean that a guest could launch an attack by itself, but it could ask users to perform such an apparently-innocuous action as visiting another page ("try our templates!") and copying content from it.(Don't take this as the final word; I wasn't present for the original decision and may not have the analysis right.)I have a hypothesis that this could be mitigated by arranging to sanitize the content immediately after it is pasted, but I haven't tried this idea out to see if it even vaguely works.
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