The Universal Model of Computation

The atomic functionality of nature's Universal Model of Computation buried in the Church-Turing Thesis was lost when von Neumann shared access rights to physical memory creating the monolithic General Purpose Computer. Turing's imperative commands that drive a Central Processing Unit is the engine room for an atomic procedure, no more and no less. He stored his function on a single paper tape. This architecture is flawed when shared by several procedures as a monolithic compilation of shared binary data. 

The work of Alonzo Church Lambda Calculus scales Alan Turing's atomic implementation into an infinite future while protecting the modularity of mathematical symbols.  A Church-Turing machine implements this infinite scalability. The architecture uses a Lambda Calculus meta-machine to dynamically bind atomic functions in a Universal Network of Computation. Procedural programs do not support dynamic binding, everything is hardwired to static address space of the shared memory where different mathematical functions sharing all the hardware privileges by default. Every imperative instruction shared the same authority to reach into the hardware corners of the computer. Malware and hackers use this default authority to change working assumptions and disrupt the mathematical logic of targeted activities. In particular, digital downloads from malware internet servers abuse this tilted playing field to corrupt, interfere, damage, steal and sabotage any attached equipment or other programs. The software cannot depend on undetected errors, the mathematics simply fail under worst-case conditions.

Software survival is vital to a virtualized world. Life-supporting software-defined applications run the fully entrenched cyber societies of the 21st Century. As life gets virtualized it is vital software is made fail-safe. When computers began fail-safe software was unimportant. The small-batch processing applications ran in short shifts from a clean start with a defined end. Experts designed the software to tabulate results for a team on a common business problem. The functions were limited and none were life-threatening and human ingenuity became a best practice to protect the software errors from risks discovered in real-time. These adventures were constrained by locked doors as the batch processing mainframe age matured, but they were never designed for the fail-safe software demands of the next century.

The Universal Model of Computation is nature's fail-safe model of life. Like the Abacus and the slide rule, computations are independent and private. Errors are independent events and because they are not shared the computational mistakes do not lead to tragic results. Each thread of computation is an instance of a species protected by an independent atomic and cellular structure that can be replicated from a DNA blueprint as a regenerated life-cycle. Every Thread is an instance of the same software species of inter-related functions. The Threads are like Bees in a bee-hive, instances of the same DNA, organized democratically through individuality and task assignment. The General Purpose Computer as a monolithic build lacks the life-cycle of individuals as an instance of something more important, an evolving, fail-safe species. The characteristic of individuality is fundamental to the survival of the evolving species. A compiler crushes this dynamic individuality into a statically bound monolithic digital image where any failure infects all functions at once without being detected.  
