Kenneth J Hamer-Hodges was born in the war-torn Naval seaport of
Portsmouth, England in 1945, where he grew up. After graduation, he
worked on the design of the first commercial Capability-Based Computer,
the PP250, a fault-tolerant multiprocessor with trusted software. He is
now an American citizen living in South Florida. Throughout his career,
he taught colleagues about his experience with object-oriented machine
code and the functional Church-Instructions of a Church-Turing Machine.
His first book, "Civilizing Cyberspace: The Fight for Digital
Democracy," explains how democracy must evolve if citizens are to remain
in charge of the government in the 21st Century global village.
Portsmouth, England in 1945, where he grew up. After graduation, he
worked on the design of the first commercial Capability-Based Computer,
the PP250, a fault-tolerant multiprocessor with trusted software. He is
now an American citizen living in South Florida. Throughout his career,
he taught colleagues about his experience with object-oriented machine
code and the functional Church-Instructions of a Church-Turing Machine.
His first book, "Civilizing Cyberspace: The Fight for Digital
Democracy," explains how democracy must evolve if citizens are to remain
in charge of the government in the 21st Century global village.