Symbolism in Art, Business and Computer Science

Symbolism plays a crucial role in Art, Business and science, Mathematics, AI neural networks, blockchains, cryptocurrency, and Object-Oriented software all depend upon symbols as tokens to address and simplify complexity. Symbols as tokens address, represent, communicate, and simplify complex information. In AI, symbolism helps neural networks understand and process data through features and patterns. In cryptocurrency, symbols represent digital assets as values, in blockchains, distributed cryptographic symbols ensure data integrity and security while with Capability limited addressing addressing symbols abstract the software functionality defined symbolically as Lambda Calculus managing access rights and typed permissions to digitally bound objects. Symbolism enables abstraction, efficient processing, and secure transactions across all these and any other domain.

Key Points

  1. Symbolism in AI neural networks involves representing features or patterns in data to help understand and process information. 
  2. Cryptocurrencies use unique symbols or logos to represent digital assets, aiding in their identification and differentiation. 
  3. Blockchains utilize cryptographic symbols like keys and hashes to secure transactions and data. 563
  4. Capability addressing uses symbols to represent access rights or permissions, ensuring secure and controlled resource access. 
  5. Symbolism in AI, blockchains, cryptocurrency, and capability addressing enables abstraction, generalization, and efficient data processing. 
  6. Neural networks use symbolic representations like numerical vectors, activation functions, weight matrices, and embeddings to model complex patterns.
  7. Symbolic representations in neural networks offer advantages such as interpretability, flexibility, handling imperfect data, and improved generalization. 
  8. Interpretability of neural networks is crucial in applications like healthcare, finance, autonomous vehicles, cybersecurity, and more. 
For example in Art three significant paintings exemplify the Symbolist movement's focus on mythological and dreamlike themes, using rich symbolism to convey deeper truths and emotions. For more information on Symbolist art, you can explore resources from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Art Story, and Wikipedia.  

"The Apparition" by Gustave Moreau (1876)

This painting is one of Moreau's most famous works and depicts the biblical story of Salome presenting the severed head of John the Baptist. The ethereal and mystical quality of the painting, combined with its rich symbolism and intricate details, makes it a quintessential example of Symbolist art.

"Orpheus" by Gustave Moreau (1865)

This painting portrays the mythological figure Orpheus, who is often associated with music and poetry. In Moreau's depiction, a Thracian girl finds the severed head of Orpheus, symbolizing the eternal nature of art and beauty even in the face of death.

"The Cyclops" by Odilon Redon (1914)

Although created slightly later, Redon's work embodies the Symbolist movement's themes. "The Cyclops" depicts the mythological giant Polyphemus watching over the sleeping Galatea. The painting's dreamlike atmosphere and use of vibrant colors reflect the Symbolist interest in the inner world and the subconscious.

Business and Mathematics depend on abstraction not to simplify problems, which they do, but to be absolutely precise. For example, based on 10 search sources the top three significant and iconic images that the business community uses today:

The Handshake

The handshake is a universally recognized symbol of agreement, trust, and partnership. It is often used in business contexts to signify the closing of deals, the formation of partnerships, and the establishment of mutual trust between parties.

The Light Bulb

The light bulb is an iconic image representing ideas, innovation, and creativity. In business, it is frequently used to symbolize new concepts, brainstorming sessions, and the generation of innovative solutions.

The Graph/Chart

Graphs and charts are essential tools in the business community for representing data, trends, and performance metrics. They are iconic images used in presentations, reports, and analyses to convey information clearly and effectively.

These images play crucial roles in the business world, helping to communicate key concepts and facilitate understanding in various professional contexts.

Other iconic business symbols or logos are commonly used include

Dollar Sign ($)

The dollar sign is a universal symbol of money, finance, and economic transactions. It is often used in corporate contexts to represent financial matters, including profits, costs, and investments.


The briefcase symbolizes professionalism, business travel, and work-related activities. It is often associated with executives, lawyers, and other professionals who carry important documents and tools for their work.


The globe represents globalization, international business, and worldwide reach. It is commonly used by multinational corporations to signify their global presence and operations.


Gears are symbolic of machinery, engineering, and the inner workings of systems. In the business world, they represent efficiency, productivity, and the integration of different components to achieve a common goal.

Building Skyscraper

Skyscrapers are iconic images of corporate power, success, and the business district. They are often used in logos and branding to convey the strength and stature of a company.

Pie Chart

Similar to graphs and charts, pie charts are used to represent data distribution and proportions. They are commonly used in business presentations to illustrate market shares, financial distributions, and other statistical information.


The target or bullseye symbolizes goals, precision, and achieving objectives. It is frequently used in business contexts to represent strategic planning, marketing targets, and performance goals.


A checkmark is a symbol of completion, approval, and correctness. In the corporate world, it is used to indicate tasks that have been completed, goals that have been achieved, or standards that have been met.


The rocket symbolizes growth, innovation, and rapid progress. It is often used in startups and tech companies to represent their ambition and forward-thinking approach.


The laptop or computer symbolizes technology, digital business, and modern work environments. It is a common icon in the corporate world, representing the tools and platforms used for business operations.

It is clear that symbols and logos help convey the critical and essential aspects of art and business. They are cultural abstraction that carry values, and functionality, making them integral to corporate branding,  communication and operations
