
Chrome attack

Meltdown echoes

Blokchain attack

Re: App SIP App shared by Ken Hh

Intel chip security fix could permanently slow down PCs by up to 30 per cent | E&T Magazine

We all need some of this....

Trust must always be minimal and subject to scientific proof through lambda-calculus and Church-Turing machinery implemented in hardware. K J HAMER-HODGES....E.G. Rutkowska: Trust Makes Us Vulnerable

Security industry needs to be less trusting to get more secure • The Register Forums

Apple releases patch for catastrophic security flaw in MacOS 10.13 | Computing

GDPR: What will happen in the first 72 hours after a data breach? | Computing

Re: [Caja] WASM and ocaps

BBC News: Artificial intelligence smart enough to fool Captcha security check

The KRACK Wi-Fi vulnerability, explained like you're five

Cat theory

MarketWatch: Opinion: The cyberwars are coming — here’s how to prepare (and make money)

Marketplace APM: 10/12/2017: A computer science "genius" on why we haven't fixed cybersecurity

Engadget: 37,000 Chrome users downloaded a fake Adblock Plus extension

Re: Unit 42 Threat Intelligence ALERT